To implement Select component into your project you’ll need to add the import:
import Select from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Select";
After adding import into your project you can use it simply like:
<Select options={Option} />
Table below contains all types of the props available in the Select component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
dataAttrs | Object | Optional prop for passing data-* attributes to the input DOM element. | |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. | |
disabled | boolean | false | If true , the Select will be disabled. |
error | React.Node | The error message for the Select. See Functional specs | |
help | React.Node | The help message for the Select. | |
id | string | Adds id HTML attribute to an element. | |
label | Translation | The label for the Select. | |
inlineLabel | boolean | If true the label renders on the left side of the Select. | |
name | string | The name for the Select. | |
onBlur | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onBlur event. | |
onChange | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onChange event. | |
onFocus | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onFocus event. | |
options | Option[] | The content of the Select, passed as array of objects. | |
placeholder | TranslationString | The placeholder for the Select. | |
prefix | React.Node | The prefix component for the Select. See Functional specs | |
ref | func | Prop for forwarded ref of the Select. See Functional specs | |
required | boolean | false | If true, the label is displayed as required. |
spaceAfter | enum | Additional margin-bottom after component. | |
tabIndex | string \| number | Specifies the tab order of an element | |
value | string | "" | The value of the Select. |
width | string | 100% | Specifies width of the Select |
helpClosable | boolean | true | Whether to display help as a closable tooltip, or have it open only while the field is focused, same as error. |
customValueText | string | The custom text alternative of current value. See Functional specs. | |
ariaLabel | string | Optional prop for aria-label value. See Accessibility tab. | |
ariaLabelledby | string | Optional prop for aria-labelledby value. See Accessibility tab. |
spaceAfter |
"none" |
"smallest" |
"small" |
"normal" |
"medium" |
"large" |
"largest" |
Table below contains all types of the props available for object in Option array.
Name | Type | Description |
value | string \| number | The value of the Option. |
label | string | The label for the Option. |
key | string | The key of the Option. |
disabled | boolean | If true , the Option will be disabled. |
Functional specs
prop overwrites thehelp
prop, due to higher priority.When you have limited space for the
, you can usecustomValueText
property to pass an alternative text for the current value. For instance, when the label of the selected option isCzech Republic (+420)
, you can pass only+420
to this property and the original label will be visually hidden.The
prop can accept any element. However, it is not recommended to pass it more than an icon (or flag).ref
can be used for example auto-focus the elements immediately after render.
class Component extends React.PureComponent<Props> {componentDidMount() {this.ref.current && this.ref.current.focus();}ref: { current: React.ElementRef<*> | null } = React.createRef();render() {return <Select ref={this.ref} />;}}